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  • Deepak Dhanotiya

Why ShopKirana promises great opportunity and not just another Grocery Start-up!!

Let me start with some sentiments in India Grocery than will mention how ShopKirana defeating them ?

Rolling around stories (Realities):

  • Flipkart shutting down ‘Nearby’

  • Peppertap withdrawing from tier 2, followed by shutting down!!

  • Local Banya temporary off.....followed by Shutting down

  • Grofer withdrawing from 9 cities and then job letters from colleges followed by.......(who knows)

Sentiments in segment

  • E Grocery not picking up : Not getting orders

  • Unit economics are not working in grocery : Size of order is not sufficient

  • Supply chain is too complex to solve : SKU’s are limitless with frequent changes

  • Kirana (Mom n Pop stores) are really tough to replace : Can’t serve better than them

  • Hyper local deliveries are uneconomical as last mile infra not upto the mark:

With such stories and sentiments, why ShopKirana a Cockroach Startup is still promising a great opportunity and slowly making it's mark?? Why it's not just another Grocery Start-up!!

Before I start, let me clarify. Shopkirana is a B2B start up with a vision of empowering retailers not a E-Grocery start-up!

Top 10 things which differentiate ShopKirana and make it sustainable model are:

But I will say again "Indian grocery is a blue ocean any discounting model will bleed blue"!!

In short ShopKirana don't have any secret souse ...... it’s just better unit economics and value creation !!

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1 Comment

Sanjeev Sharma
Sanjeev Sharma
Feb 07

There's a common misconception that lower prices equate to lower quality, but that's not always the case with Discount Grocery Online Store. Many of them offer products that are comparable in quality to what you would find in mainstream supermarkets.

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