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Million dollars mark, a beautiful beginning of India’s biggest and most impactful dream!

Deepak Dhanotiya


Million dollars mark, a beautiful beginning of India’s biggest and most impactful dream!! 

“If you have last penny left either save it for future or buy grocery for yourself”. An economist advice.

Some people say “Either you love Grocery or hate grocery but you can’t ignore grocery” 

At ShopKirana we started our love with grocery a year back, it has been a 

Million dollar sales25000 orders delivered, with smiles and care1 million+ products handled All this happened with just 2000 customers. We call it piloting the potential!!

Key drivers so far:

Customer is king:

Every retail store is our customer; we talk and care for one store at a time. Not random million downloads.We understand power of B2B , B2B makes business strong where LTV>> CAC. A retailer worth million dollar of sales and touch 100 families, we earn trust of 100 families by earning a retailer.We talked to our customer every 72 hr, we can talk as we have relation. In B2C you can’t call a customer and ask “sir why you don’t make purchase every day?” Or “why you have not placed order for Sunflower oil this week?” , to a retailer we can ask hence we talk to him every 72 hr

Team made the difference

We have a team with purpose, a purpose big enough for them to pursuePeople is biggest contributor in all success, hence clear focus in all our discussions about strategy or entertainmentIntent is above skills. Skill are built by many wherever and whenever required but they had clear intent of empowering retailers from day zeroWe gear up every time we fail or face a challenge. Great team can overcome any problem hence we focus more on building great team vs focusing on possible problems

Big purpose:

We ask to ourselves several times “Why we all work day and night at ShopKirana ??”Because we know/claim/challenge that we have biggest and most impactful vision in country as of now. We believe “Integrating and empowering retailers can change Indian retail forever”Soon in a single town we will be selling more tons of wheat flour than a normal plant can produce, without discounting a single rupee.Soon we will be profitable start-ups with huge volumes too. An answer  to people seeking for something sustainable (Zero discount, makes money) and scalable ($300Bn blue ocean of grocery), in India.

ShopKirana is based out of Indore(A tier II town) we are building here things which will change India retail forever, A dream with detaieled plan, bigger than any E-retailer can even imagine. Model like Amazon will take more than 5 years to create this volumes in Grocery category, if they don’t discount and don’t advertise. 

Grocery segment in India is Blue Ocean but if you discount you can bleed red too!! Differentiate with systems and services vs discounted demand!! 

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